India allows Bank of China open office in Mumbai

Write By: administratorPublished In: Company NewsCreated Date: 2019-03-26Hits: 969Comment: 0

A few days ago, there was a good news on the Internet.

The Indian government allows Bank of China to open a new office in Mumbai, which will be the second Bank of China's office in New Delhi’s first Chinese bank operation.

This will greatly help our Chinese and Indian customers' business transactions and provide great convenience for our import and export companies.

Of course, this is due to our Bank of China and the Indian government is willing to open this convenient step.

Therefore, friends from India, customers, if you want to buy goods from China, now is a good time.

If you are interested in our computer chassis products, computer power products, DVD optical drive products, please feel free to contact us, we also welcome you to visit our factory.

This is our website:


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